2025 CSR calendar

Mobilize your company and your teams throughout the year
75 engagement opportunities
Varied societal themes

With this calendar, identify the highlights of the year to act on major societal causes. Find ideas for each occasion to mobilize your teams.

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Mockup of the 2025 CSR calendar with 75 mobilization opportunities and ideas to engage your teams

The flagship tool for structuring your CSR roadmap and engaging your employees

A comprehensive and multilingual resource

Each event is accompanied by its context, figures and recommendations for action.

+75 solidarity actions ready to use

Concrete ideas to engage your employees: global days, awareness-raising workshops, associative partnerships...

A world tour of major CSR events

Events organized in France, Italy, Europe and even as far as the United States and Mexico.

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A tool to give meaning to your commitments

This calendar helps you identify key events related to causes and regions that matter to your business.

Strengthen the commitment of your teams

Employees feel more motivated when they participate in solidarity actions offered by their company. This reinforces their commitment, gives meaning to their work, and creates a positive impact.

Promote your employer brand

CSR actions reinforce the attractiveness of your company to talent. They allow you to stand out as an employer concerned with social and environmental issues.

Build sustainable CSR performance

Giving rhythm to your commitments around major causes allows you to maximize the impact of your social and environmental approach.

Download your 2025 CSR Calendar for free