Komeet: the story of a merger at the service of impact!

Some days undoubtedly mark the life of a company. This Tuesday, January 21, 2025 is one of them: we are more than proud to announce the launch of Komeet, born from the merger of Vendredi and Wenabi!

January 21, 2025
Photo of a Komeet launch event: the founders and the associations

Today, Komeet is a brand new project that will make it possible to increase the impact of the societal commitment of employees tenfold in France, Europe and around the world. But in reality, the story of Komeet began almost 10 years ago, with those of Vendredi and Wenabi. Because Komeet is above all the meeting of two trajectories, now associated with the service of a more ambitious, more collective and more transformative corporate commitment.

In this article, we tell you unfiltered what has brought us so far, what this merger represents and, of course, how we imagine the future - together!

2017-2023: Vendredi and Wenabi, two projects to democratize employee engagement in France

Friday: placing commitment at the heart of business culture

Since 2015, Vendredi has made it its mission to prove that everyone can have a positive impact on society through their work.

Initially aimed at specific populations within companies (internships, end of career, etc.), the urgency to raise awareness on a large scale and to accelerate the transition of businesses made a more systemic approach necessary. With a proven methodology, Vendredi thus allows companies to mobilize all of their employees around societal issues, and to place commitment at the heart of their culture.

Awareness-raising, field missions with more than 4000 associations in 53 countries, ambassador approaches, highlights... More than 350 companies are making commitment a lever for transformation thanks to the Vendredi platform. And in 2024, Vendredi is also a team of 50 people and a project itself committed: B Corp label, ESUS approval, internal CSR approach...

Wenabi: the solidarity link between businesses and associations

The Wenabi adventure began in 2017 with a clear mission: to mobilize companies and their employees to provide as many resources as possible to associations.

To achieve this ambition, Wenabi relies on an intuitive platform and strategic support to connect associations and businesses. The objective: to help companies design and deploy high-impact engagement programs, adapted to their challenges and those of the territories.

In 2024, Wenabi is a key player in solidarity commitment. With 2,000 partner associations in 69 countries, more than 230,000 employees mobilized and 580,000 hours of solidarity actions carried out, the impact generated is considerable. By also integrating donation solutions, Wenabi raised 2.5 million euros for essential associative projects. Thanks to Wenabi, more than 150 companies actively participate in the general interest, while involving their teams in the long term!

2024: Why did Vendredi and Wenabi decide to join forces?

Each on their own, Vendredi and Wenabi worked for nearly 10 years to democratize societal commitment in business. And in 2024, both structures are facing the same situation: the needs of associations continue to grow, and the transformation of businesses is becoming more necessary than ever. In short: there is an emergency.

So, after all these years of acting separately by sharing the same vision of commitment, wasn't it time to join forces to form a European player, capable of going further at the service of associations, employees and businesses?

This idea was therefore obvious: it was time to join forces.

At the end of 2024, Vendredi and Wenabi thus decided to get closer. The merger of two competing companies, an ambitious but very exciting project, which has gradually become a reality! For several months, our unified teams have been working hand in hand to build a solution that embodies our ambitions. And the work was considerable: getting to know each other, creating a new strategy, making the best choices, combining our methods, designing our new path.

A merger that is finally taking shape today, and which allows us to respond to three major challenges:

  • Making life easier for associations by offering them a unique reference platform to mobilize volunteers and resources within companies.
  • Offer a more comprehensive solution to businesses, rich in our two areas of expertise to structure, animate and amplify their engagement programs.
  • Multiplying our impact potential in France, Europe and around the world, to contribute to responding to current emergencies by further democratizing societal commitment. When we talk about impact, it doesn't make sense to divide our forces: we chose to cooperate rather than compete!

So we are very, very happy to present our unified company to you: Komet.

To read the merger press release, click hither

2025: Komeet, the meeting point between commitment and impact

For a coherent, useful and unifying commitment

For us, this is a certainty: with the right methods, the potential for employee social commitment is immense. While the results of business transformation can only be observed in the medium or long term, the societal commitment of employees:

  • Creates concrete and immediate positive impact : It is useful from day one by generating social and environmental impact
  • Is a driver of long-term performance : It improves the employer brand and the competitiveness of the company
  • Is a catalyst and a transformation accelerator : It contributes to the necessary changes in beliefs and practices in companies

To observe these benefits, our observation is clear: the commitment must be coherent, useful and unifying. This is the vision we want to carry out.

At Komeet, we design engagement programs that:

  • Are consistent with the company's raison d'être and meet the concrete needs of associations and territories
  • Generate a useful impact, measured continuously to ensure tangible and credible results
  • Federate all stakeholders, by mobilizing employees, managers and managers around a real collective dynamic

The complete and personalized employee engagement solution

To uphold this vision, Komeet is a tech platform and expert support to enable each company to develop truly impacting engagement projects. With Komeet, businesses:

  • Mobilize their employees around societal issues: Thanks to an intuitive platform, employees have access to thousands of ways to act, based on real needs in the field: skills sponsorship, mentoring, donations, awareness-raising, and much more. Thanks to proven tools and methodologies, the process is continuously animated (highlights, ambassadors, communication, etc.).
  • According to their needs and those in the field : We co-design with each company an engagement program aligned with its values, objectives and real needs in the field. Personalized support that guarantees a smooth integration into the daily life of teams and an adapted response to the challenges of associations.
  • By measuring and monitoring real impacts on an ongoing basis : Our solution offers you powerful tools to manage each program: definition of impact objectives, reporting and monitoring of indicators adapted to each need, and valuation of concrete benefits for the company and for the general interest.

Today, we are proud that Komeet already has:

  • 430 corporate clients
  • 3,500 associations supported for 2.1 million hours of commitment (i.e. 1000 years of impact!)
  • +200,000 committed employees and +2 million € in donations
  • A presence in +75 countries and a platform translated into 38 languages
  • And a great team of 80 people!

A project of general interest at the service of the collective

Beyond our mission, Komeet is also a social and solidarity economy company eager to give meaning to each of our actions. Thus, we want to uphold our beliefs, always at the service of societal impact:

  • A European vision of commitment : As a French company with a European project, we know the real challenges in the field and of our stakeholders.
  • A community and collective approach : Our desire is to create meetings and sharing in order to accelerate the sustainable and responsible transformation of businesses.
  • A strong demand on others and on ourselves : Because the urgency to act pushes us to be ambitious. And because it is our duty to show the way and to embody what we advocate!

2025-...: The future is being built together!

This announcement of the launch of Komeet is only the beginning! Right now, we're giving you three ways to engage with us to multiply the impact of engagement:

  • We give you an appointment on February 11 at 11:30 For a exceptional launch webinar, where we will present our vision, our ambitions and our tools to transform societal commitment in business. We look forward to speaking with you in person!
  • To carry our vision of commitment high, we created the Commitments: strong commitments that embody our beliefs and that we want to share with all our stakeholders. Discover them, make them your own, and disseminate them widely to move forward together!
  • Finally, to stay connected to all our adventures and initiatives, it's time to subscribe to our brand new Newsletter. On the agenda: news on corporate engagement, resources, studies, and best practices!

We are proud to open this new page and can't wait to write the first chapter with you!

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Komeet - Aperçu de la plateforme d'engagement sociétalKomeet - Concretely involve your teams and your internal stakeholders
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