It all starts here...

Logo Vendredi
Logo Wenabi

Since 2016, Vendredi and Wenabi have developed their solution to make employee engagement accessible within companies.

Together, Vendredi and Wenabi have already contributed to 2.1 million hours of engagement (i.e. 1000 years !)

Komeet - PhotoKomeet - Photo Actions Sociétales EntreprisesKomeet - PhotoKomeet - Photo Actions Sociétales EntreprisesKomeet - Photo Actions Sociétales Entreprises Komeet - Photo Actions Sociétales Entreprises
Komeet - PhotoKomeet - Photo Actions Sociétales EntreprisesKomeet - PhotoKomeet - Photo Actions Sociétales EntreprisesKomeet - Photo Actions Sociétales Entreprises Komeet - Photo Actions Sociétales Entreprises
Komeet - PhotoKomeet - Photo Actions Sociétales EntreprisesKomeet - PhotoKomeet - Photo Actions Sociétales EntreprisesKomeet - Photo Actions Sociétales Entreprises Komeet - Photo Actions Sociétales Entreprises
Komeet - PhotoKomeet - Photo Actions Sociétales EntreprisesKomeet - PhotoKomeet - Photo Actions Sociétales EntreprisesKomeet - Photo Actions Sociétales Entreprises Komeet - Photo Actions Sociétales Entreprises
Komeet - PhotoKomeet - Photo Actions Sociétales EntreprisesKomeet - PhotoKomeet - Photo Actions Sociétales EntreprisesKomeet - Photo Actions Sociétales Entreprises Komeet - Photo Actions Sociétales Entreprises

Vendredi and Wenabi decided to merge to meet 3 major challenges:

Facilitate the mobilization of volunteers for non-profits

by offering a unique reference platform for engaging company employees.

Offer a complete and rich solution

of our two areas of expertise to foster company commitments and impact.

Multiplying our impact potential

by proposing a more ambitious response to current emergencies, in France, Europe and all over the world.

Given the urgency to take action, we are joining forces

For a coherent, unifying ans impactful employee engagement

To commit: to give your loyalty, time or money to a particular principle.

To commit: to make an important decision

To meet: to gather, to meet around a goal, to accomplish, to achieve

Komeet embodies our vision: employee engagement must be coherent, unifying and useful.

Komeet - Photo Collecte Solidaire


with business challenges and societal needs

and not only for philanthropic purposes.

Komeet - Photo mission en association


and embodied by all the company's stakeholders

and made by only a handful of people.

Komeet - Mission de distribution alimentaire


with a concrete and measurable impact

and that is not superficial or short-term.

Today Komeet is already:

committed companies
suported nonprofits
committed employees

Because it's time to get involved, together!

Furthermore, Komeet has strong values in order to accelerate societal impact all around the world:

A European vision of employee engagement

As a French company with a European project, we know the real challenges in the field and of our stakeholders.

A community and collective approach

Our desire is to create meetings and sharing in order to accelerate the sustainable and responsible transformation of businesses.

A high standard for ourselves

Because the urgency to act pushes us to be ambitious. And because it is our duty to show the way and to embody what we advocate!

Komeet - Photo Equipe

Let's make it together !

Today, Komeet has more than 70 people convinced that there is strength in numbers and that tomorrow's commitment is built today.

We are proud to open a new page and can't wait to write the first chapter with you!