How to mobilize your employees to associations
Do you want to enter a new era of social commitment with your teams but you do not know what levers to activate to make them as aware as possible? Follow us, we'll tell you more below!

You want to enter a new era ofsocietal commitment with your teams but you don't know what levers to activate to make them as aware as possible? Follow us, we'll tell you more!
Why is it important to mobilize your employees with associations?
Responsible business attracts
Today, involving its teams concretely in its solidarity approach is gain attractiveness on the job market. Future talents are increasingly orienting their professional choices based on the social and environmental commitments of companies. The health crisis has had the positive externality of intensifying the desire to act and to have an impact in the construction of the “next world”.
This is particularly visible among young people: 91% of 15-25 year olds are no longer just looking for a first job but an organization with which they share values.
The possibility of engaging with associations during their working time contributes greatly to their development.
Discover the Komeet platform
Fulfilment and satisfaction: a committed company builds the loyalty of its employees
In addition to attracting new talent, a responsible organization that engages its teams strengthens their motivation, their attachment to the company and reduces turnover.
For a large number of employees, having the opportunity to act in their company for a wider social and environmental impact allows them to acquire even more experience. No more routine and loss of meaning at work !
For 71% of employees, actions such as skills sponsorship are sources of development. So there are fewer reasons to leave a company in which you are constantly growing.
Skills sponsorship barometer 2020, IFOP
90% of employees who are able to carry out solidarity actions thanks to their company say they are “proud of their company”, compared to 66% in companies that do not offer this type of opportunities.
Korn Ferry, study on employee engagement, 2018
Also to read:
5 ways to improve employee engagement
Attracting and retaining talent through solidarity commitment
A participatory solidarity approach for a better quality of life at work
Offering its employees the opportunity to get involved in the field with associations also means allowing them to come to the aid of people in need, to get out of their routine and thus to establish new relationships with the beneficiaries and their colleagues...
83% of employees working in a company that takes CSR into account say they “have fun working” compared to 64% in companies that do not pay particular attention to it.
The positive impact that their company has on society is therefore today a real vector of well-being, development at work and therefore the retention of talent.
How can you concretely mobilize all of its employees around its solidarity commitment program? A few tips
Applying the virtuous cycle of mobilization
The virtuous circle of employee mobilization consists of 3 key steps to effectively support them in their commitment. Note that each person joins the process with their own background and their own more or less in-depth knowledge of the associative environment. It is therefore essential to guide each of these people appropriately.
Here are the 3 essential and complementary key steps to lead your teams towards an impacting commitment: awareness, action and amplification.
- Awareness-raising: it is the first step in mobilization. To take action, you need to understand the problems and learn about the actions to be taken. Awareness-raising actions make it possible to reach all company employees for a more lasting commitment;
- The action: it is the heart of the impact! It consists in providing time or money resources to associations to support them in their projects;
- Amplification: It means maximizing the impact by massively disseminating the mobilization of your teams, to federate and create new ambassadors for the cause.
Select several animation levers
Once the mobilization circle is well understood, it is time to think about the levers you will use to animate your engagement program and thus mobilize your employees around it. Before going any further, note that throughout your engagement process, it is important to meet regularly with associations to understand their needs and work with them to identify ways to support them. You will thus better understand the reality on the ground, their organization and their impact.
Without further ado, here are 3 levers to activate to animate your solidarity commitment process
Lever 1: Create moments of exchange
Face-to-face events, which are friendly and motivating, are particularly useful for engaging teams around a solidarity program. Examples of levers:
- An Assos Forum to allow your employees to initiate initial discussions with associations and understand the best way to help them
- Material collections in the offices to involve as many people as possible, including those who are not necessarily ready to go to the field
- A solidarity breakfast or after-work : it is an ideal moment of conviviality to let your employees discuss with the associations and/or ambassadors of your program. They will thus be able to bear witness to actions in the field and make other people want to get involved.
Find out all the tips for launch your mentoring program with an association in your company!
Lever 2: Animate your program all year round
Mobilization on the platform requires strong involvement on the part of employees. Multiplying messages and channels is essential to keep them motivated throughout the year. The most important thing is to find the right timing and frequency to insert you into the company's general internal communications.
Do not hesitate to make choices about the topics to broadcast. Examples of levers:
- Put up posters in offices to make your platform visible thanks to a QRCode and/or to communicate about your events
- Send engaging newsletters: a regular meeting to discuss news about your engagement program in your teams' mailboxes
- Organize awareness-raising webinars or conferences to societal and environmental issues to focus on a CSR highlight
Lever 3: Promote and embody your program
Make sure to make the solidarity actions of your teams tangible and visible. How? Through communication elements shared across all company channels.
Examples of levers:
- Involve the various audiences internally to avoid that the message of solidarity commitment not always be worn by the same people. Remember to mobilize your management, managers and program ambassadors so that they can carry out the project with you
- Share testimonies from your employees in the field, in a dedicated video or in a publication on your internal social networks
- Also use field photos to show your teams the actions carried out in the field and start involving them
As you can see, there are many ways to mobilize your teams. The objective is now to find the formula that will hit the mark to make your teams aware of societal and environmental issues and thus mobilize them with associations!