CSR highlights: How to implement them in your company?

CSR highlights are a key lever for widely mobilizing its employees around its CSR approach. In this article, discover our top tips for organizing successful highlights!

January 11, 2025
Two volunteers painting yellow signs during an outdoor workshop, creating a friendly and collaborative moment.

The social and environmental transition of businesses cannot take place without the mobilization of all of its employees. If so few companies are still successfully engaging all their employees, it is because the difficulties they encounter are significant!

How do you find the time (and resources) to animate your CSR approach with your employees? How do you find good ideas to interest your teams in social and environmental issues? How to create a collective momentum to engage the whole company, and not just always the same employees who are the most receptive?

59% of companies believe that only a “small part” of their teams, or even “very few employees”, are involved in their CSR approach
CSR barometer, 2022

It is to respond to these problems that we have developed the logic of CSR highlights. We offer our client companies a complete solution to animate their engagement process around key moments. The observation is unquestionable: It works! Employees are much more committed, a collective momentum is created, and awareness is much more effective.

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What is a CSR highlight?

A CSR highlight is a key moment in the year that allows you to create a collective momentum to mobilize employees around an important theme for your company.

Concretely, a highlight is:

  • An important internal event during which several activities are offered to the teams, in order to allow as many employees as possible to get involved
  • A key engagement theme or of general interest, which can rely on the calendar and the chestnut trees
  • A limited time: between a week and a month, to focus your efforts on a given period

CSR highlights can focus on various themes, such as disability, diversity and inclusion, gender equality, gender-based and sexual violence, the environment, etc.

Based on key events from the CSR calendar, for example:

  • World Education Day, January 24
  • Earth Day, April 22
  • Pride month in June

And by organizing very concrete actions, for example:

  • Awareness-raising events : solidarity races, online challenges...
  • Internal activities : a movie debate, a fundraiser, a breakfast discussion...
  • Solidarity actions with associations : a marauding or the distribution of meals, mentoring, support...
  • And finally awareness-raising content to share with employees, in the form of articles, videos, podcasts...

The CSR highlights ensure that you mobilize your teams massively around a key theme!

The advantages of CSR highlights

Avoid over-solicitation by limiting communication to a few selected times

Companies can only communicate on a limited number of topics and engagement is only one of them: highlights allow you to focus on specific communications and to be more audible to your employees.

Be more effective by focusing your efforts on the most impacting actions

Companies have little time and resources to manage their subjects of engagement: highlights allow them to focus on the most engaging actions, with the greatest potential, but also on given periods of time.

Create a real collective and united momentum

Committing alone is difficult. Many employees need to work together. The highlights make it possible to create collective emulation and to make as many employees as possible want to get involved.

Eventalize engagement and create a real dynamic of mobilization

By communicating all year round without focusing on specific periods and events, employees are not very committed. Although engagement is possible all year round, targeted and pre-prepared events create a dynamic of mobilization. Without them, mayonnaise does not take hold: by relying on the CSR calendar (world days, etc.), the highlights also make it possible to participate on a scale that goes beyond the walls of the company.

Guide employees towards key and high-impact actions

Leaving employees with too many choices reduces the need to take action more than it increases it. The majority of employees find themselves paralyzed if they are asked to choose between too many opportunities. They must be guided to the few most engaging actions: the highlights make it possible to offer employees specific actions, chosen by the company, and to maximize the commitment of its employees.

10 tips for organizing CSR highlights in your company

Choosing the highlights that you want to offer to your teams is the first key step in successfully mobilizing them massively. To be able to put as much energy into their organization and make your highlights a success, it is recommended that you choose some 2 to 4 per year. Here are some best practices for organizing high-impact events:

1. Choosing the right CSR highlights

To choose your highlights wisely, you can:

  • Based on priority themes of your CSR strategy
  • Conduct a survey with your employees to find out what their real interests are
  • Rely on our calendar Of highlights
  • Select your priority highlights from the start of the year to have a clear vision and to anticipate their organization well.

2. Set commitment goals for each highlight

It is essential to choose one or more key indicators to follow and to set a specific goal. For example, you can track the proportion of employees hired during peak season. This is the percentage of employees who participated in at least one high-profile action. Chez Komeet, we help you define these indicators, and monitor them proactively by providing you with clear tools to adjust your actions in real time!

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3. Plan actions in various formats

The objective of a highlight is to onboard as many employees as possible. To do this, it is essential to offer them a variety of actions to meet the needs, desires and possibilities of each one! Some ways to offer a variety of engagement formats:

  • Collective actions and individual actions : to strengthen team cohesion, but also to allow everyone to make a personal commitment.
  • Face-to-face actions and remote actions : so that everyone can participate, even employees working remotely
  • Shorter stocks and longer actions : so that everyone can adapt, according to their availability

To get ideas, read 10 solidarity actions to engage employees in a CSR approach

4. Rely on ambassadors

Your employees are the best ambassadors of your CSR approach! It is therefore essential to identify the most active and most involved employees so that they can support you in the organization and success of your highlights by mobilizing their colleagues. What can make all the difference:

  • Identify the most involved employees during the first organized highlight, and get them to become ambassadors of the approach
  • Creating a community of ambassadors : a Slack or Teams discussion in which the ambassadors of the approach can discuss, regular meetings...
  • Have a diverse group of ambassadors : present on your various sites, coming from different departments, of various seniorities...
  • Involve them concretely in the organization of highlights by asking them for their opinion on the proposed actions, by giving them exclusive information...

5. Communicate before the peak to create enthusiasm

To create a real collective momentum, effective communication is essential! Announcing your highlight to your teams is therefore a key moment. Here are our recommendations for a great launch communication:

  • The timing: Plan a first “Save the Date” at least 1 month before the start of the high season. It is also an opportunity to “block” the slots in your employees' agenda in which they will have the opportunity to get involved.
  • The content: It is necessary for your employees to understand the enthusiasm around the highlight. To do this, we recommend that you communicate on:
    • The context of the highlight: What is the theme and what calendar event is it part of? Why is this topic important? Why does your company want to get involved in this issue? For example, do not hesitate to give some important figures on the subject.
    • The highlight program: What is your company going to offer, in concrete terms, as an activity? On what dates? Is it mandatory?
  • The formats: We recommend that you use a variety of communication methods. Newsletter, Slack/teams, but also social networks, posters, face-to-face or online meetings...

6. Prevent and involve managers and management

If involving employees is essential... Nothing will be more effective than having a committed management team to create a collective momentum! So do not hesitate to involve managers and management in your highlights and to value their experiences. It's a great example for your teams. Some concrete examples that can help you:

  • Start your highlight with a speech from your managers : this will make it possible to show from the beginning the importance of this event for the company and to mobilize more employees.
  • Making the mobilization of managers and management a priority, as soon as you launch your process. They will have even more impact as ambassadors and pioneers!
  • Make management the actors of your highlights: For example, you can suggest that they lead one of the actions that will be proposed during the highlight.

To find out more, read How to involve governance and decision makers in your employee engagement process?

  • Encourage management and managers to talk about it on social networks: It's an excellent way to talk about social and environmental issues! Do not hesitate to pass on the idea to them.

7. Communicate continuously to animate the highlights

The challenge of a highlight is that it is omnipresent: it is THE subject of the moment in your company. It is therefore essential to communicate throughout the high season to involve all your teams. To make your communication a success, we recommend that you:

  • Start with Recall the subject and why it's important.
  • Relaunch your teams every 2 or 3 days. This can be an opportunity to:
    • Show commitment: was your launch event a success? Promote it the next day with photos shared on your instant messenger!
    • Disseminate awareness-raising information on the subject of the highlight: key figures, sharing a video or an article, surprising fact...
    • Recall future actions in the following days, depending on the schedule you have set up.
  • Vary communication channels. The best thing is to use several at the same time! For example:
    • By email;
    • Through your company's instant messaging (Slack, Teams...);
    • Through your intranet;
    • Through signage on your premises;
    • Orally during team meetings, relying on managers or ambassadors.

8. Gamify and reward participation

To make your teams want to participate in the actions organized during your peak period, bet on Gamification is a real plus! Making engagement fun helps to better popularize topics and allows for deeper learning and assimilation. Some ideas that can change the situation:

  • Set up a system of earned points by your employees based on the actions they have carried out, accessible in the form of a ranking;
  • Create teams of collaborators to make competition collective;
  • Offer a win to the winners: a donation for the association of their choice, an experience related to the cause of the highlight...

9. Organize a closing event of the highlight

The end is just as important as the start of the highlight! It is a wonderful opportunity to take stock of the highlights by marking the occasion. For your closing event to be a success, we recommend that you:

  • Valuing the commitments of your employees: This can involve photos or videos taken during the peak of the season or even through statements by various employees who have committed themselves (they may be future ambassadors!) ;
  • Celebrating the impact generated: this can in particular involve key figures (number of employees mobilized during the peak period, number of hours of commitment, amount of a fundraiser, number of associations supported, etc.);
  • Identify next steps. Content to go further on the subject? The date of the next highlight? A satisfaction questionnaire? It's up to you to choose, based on your needs and those of your employees!

10. Taking stock of the highlights

The highlight is over, it's time to take stock! A few key actions to conclude your highlight in the right way:

  • Send a review email to your teams: This may include the content of the closing event. Do not hesitate to thank and congratulate the people who were involved!
  • Take a step back from the highlights: Did you reach the goal you set for yourself? What are the areas for improvement?

11. Valuing your commitments externally

Your highlight helped create a real collective momentum around an important cause. You can be proud of it! Talking about it externally is a great way to demonstrate your commitments and improve your brand image or attractiveness for candidates.

To make your communication a success, we recommend that you:

  • Use your preferred communication channels: LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, newsletter... It depends on your habits!
  • Show concretely what happened during this highlight. This can be done through:
    • photos or videos;
    • Key figures;
    • Testimonies...
  • Don't overdo it: to avoid greenwashing or sociwashing, it is essential to be transparent and honest about the actions taken.

To go further: CSR: How to animate your employee engagement process?

Our support to organize successful CSR highlights

Easily mobilize all your employees around CSR highlights with Komeet. Thanks to our engagement platform, our animation kits and the support of our experts, create rituals and gradually integrate engagement into your corporate culture!

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